Monday, December 30, 2019

My First Chose Over For Dinner - 788 Words

President, activist, and an influencer can contributed positive impact of mind kind. The people I chose did the exact same thing. Without them the world won’t be the same. Doing astonishing things, which others can’t do or would not have dare to do. With the three people chosen, people gain rights and obligations. For dinner I will have garlic, tomato spaghetti and roasted chicken. For dessert, I will bake my famous banana bread. The guest also eat other dishes they didn’t have during their time frame. Abraham Lincoln is my first chose over for dinner. The 16th president of United States, saw equal among each person. Lincoln didn’t saw less because the color of pigmentations. Lincoln as commander, seeing greatness in the world instead. Before becoming President, Lincoln served on the Illinois State Legislature. He studied law and work as a lawyer. He ran for the U.S. Congress, served one term. Later, Lincoln ran for the U.S. Senate, did not won. But he was known for his arguments against slavery. In 1860, Lincoln ran for President of the United States. Being a part of Republican Party which opposed slavery. The republicans were also against slavery. Lincoln was supported throughout the candidate and presidency. Except the South, seven states left and formed their own country, the Confederacy. The Civil War began on April 1861. After four years of war and thousands of lives, the North won. Lincoln s most famous speech was the Gettysburg Address. â€Å"Now we are engaged in aShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Quebecois And Persian1133 Words   |  5 Pagescomplaining to the locals, â€Å"Why would someone need 3 hours to eat dinner?† Finally, one of the locals invited me over for dinner, as soon as I got the invite I was so excited I started a countdown to the date of the dinner party. The day of the party was approaching quickly and as it got closer I became more and more curious. I had only been familiar with Persian dinners. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Catcher in the Rye, Macbeth and Death of a Salesman...

In literature, characters often confront challenges and due to their misconceptions of reality these challenges become complicated by external factors, which ultimately lead to tragic results. Willy, from the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Holden, from the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, and Macbeth, from the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, live with false perceptions of life and struggle through lifes challenges. Willy struggles with the challenges of his life by lying, causing him to suffer because of how he defines success. Holden is upset with the world and tries to become a savior to future generations. While Macbeths ambitions dominates his life resulting in an inflated ego transforming him from an†¦show more content†¦Willy is only a failure because of how he defines success, He had the wrong dreams. All, All, wrong (page 138). Willy put forth an unattainable goal of success and when it fails, he put his aspirations in Biffs hands, who like Willy, cannot win and ultimately they fail each other. Unfortunately for Willy, the people in his life let him down as he did to them Holden, like Willy, does not find what he needs in the people around him. The adults in Holden life are phonies who fail him. Like many confused teenagers, Holden looks up to his parents, but they let him down. Devastated by their son Allies death, Holdens parents suppress their pain by smoking and drinking. Holden cannot talk to his parents, so he turns to Carl Luce, his old school advisor. Holden is confused and he bothers Carl with many sex questions, which aggravates Carl. Carl Luce leaves Holden because Holden behaves childishly. Holden then turns to his old teacher, Mr.Antolini. Holden can talk to Mr.Antolini; he tells Mr.Antolini what is going on with him. But like most people in Holdens life, Mr.Antolini disappoints him; Holden believes that Mr.Antolini tries to make a sexual advance on him. Although it is not a sexual advance, Holden thi nks it is and feels more alone than ever. Now Holden cannot trust any adult in his life. Holdens disgust with adults depresses him because when heShow MoreRelatedEssay Prompts4057 Words   |  17 PagesBarthes’ Observation, write an essay in which you analyze a central question the work raises and the extent to which it offers any answers. Explain how the author’s treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Information Strategy and Strategic Management Free Essays

string(185) " This threat is influenced by barriers such as time and cost of entry, the knowledge required, economies of scale, cost advantages, and technology among other barriers \(Barney 2001\)\." Block 1 Organizational development requires the use of information available to develop knowledge which can be used to enhance success and attainment of organizational objectives. Waggoner stresses the primacy of information in knowledge development in his assertion that, â€Å"One can have information without knowledge, but it is impossible to have knowledge without information.† The search and use of information can be enhanced using the building blocks of information which include tool literacy which the ability to use sources of information both print and electronic including software in the search for information, and resource literacy which is the understanding of location, form, format, and methods of access of the information resources enabling the understanding of methods of use of the information sought. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Strategy and Strategic Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now These two building blocks enable the search of information and its use which is applicable to Waggoner’s assertion on information literacy which he describes as, â€Å"knowing where and how to find information sources as well as how to locate information within those sources †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Also applicable is the social-structural literacy which is the knowledge of the social situation and production of knowledge including an understanding of the scholarly publishing process applicable in the determination of whether the information found is accurate, reliable, and valid. Another building block is research literacy which is the understanding and use of information technology tools including discipline-related software to carry out research and to further knowledge. Six elements of strategy with reference to appropriate information content The six elements of strategy include; direction, market/scope, advantage, resources, environment, and stakeholders. Direction is the destination the business is trying to get to and it consists of the visions and the goals of the organization, the purpose for which it exists. This is a primary consideration, a broad strategic foundation covering all aspects for the business. It includes mission and vision statements, business plans and performance projections, core and distinctive competencies, competitor and market analyses, and overall business strategy (Mintzberg 1995). Market/scope is the kind of markets that a business should compete in and the kinds of activities involved in such market. This is also a key strategy which encompasses the need that the business seeks to fill so as to gain commercial value. It includes information focusing on the market aspects or scope for the business including trends, information on competition and their activity, the company’s positioning and penetration capacity, costs, and overall expected success of strategy (Barney 2001). Advantage refers to the ability of a business to perform better than the competition it the markets and it includes a company’s distinctive competence which enables differentiation. Appropriate information content for this strategy include competitor activity, analysis of capacity and areas of differentiation, analyses of specific market needs, and customer feedback/market response (Pine 1999). Environment includes the external, environmental factors that affect a businesses’ potential to compete and influence the success of its objectives. Information relevant to this strategy would include analysis of political climate, demographics, analysis of needs and acceptance, and foregoing trends in the markets (Barney 2001). Resources are the factors that the company employs to build its capacity and ability to compete including skills, assets, finances, relationships, technical competence and facilities that a company requires to perform its activities. Information content appropriate to this strategy would include the capital requirement and availability, skills and technical competence required and availability, availability of strategic partners and relationships with the various players needed for success of objective, as well as the need and acceptance for a company’s product mix in the market. Stakeholders refer to those who have power in and around the business, their values and expectations. This strategy emphasizes focus on the various needs of the various individuals including customers, employees, investors, service providers, suppliers, government. Relevant information would include customer feedback, market regulations, availability of suppliers and service providers and their capacity, investor expectations and goodwill, and employee relations and their resourcefulness (Mintzberg 1995). Block 2 Impact of Porter’s five forces model on the development and provision of strategically useful information To strategically position itself in a market and to develop information that can be strategically useful, it is imperative that a company takes into consideration the Porter five forces which describe the forces that surround any economic venture affecting business success and potential. These include the power exerted by buyers and suppliers, the threats of substitute products and competition, and the barriers within the market that challenge the entry of new firms (competitors) into the market (Barney 2001). When developing its strategy, information on the existence of products that could be close substitutes to those offered by the firm is essential as they could be a threat to the company’s potential and profitability through the increase in the propensity of customers switching to these alternatives in response to price increases. Factors that need to be considered and monitored when considering this threat are the performance of these substitutes in the market including its strengths and weaknesses, the cost of switching to alternatives which could influence the decision to switch to the alternative, and the willingness of the buyer which can also influence the shift to the alternative (Barney 2001). Information on the presence and capacity of competition is also essential to the development of strategy as these would present a challenge to the profitability of the company. Factors that need be considered to have relevant information on this threat include the number and diversity of competitors, their differentiation, niche or quality, the industry concentration, and the costs of switching which are essential factors to consider as the company seeks its competitive advantage (Barney 2001). Also necessary to consider is the barrier to entry into the market of new competitors. Profitable markets that yield high returns will draw new entrant firms and will consequently lead to a decrease in profitability. The profit rate will fall towards a competitive level (a level of perfect competition) unless the entry of new firms can be blocked by incumbents. This threat is influenced by barriers such as time and cost of entry, the knowledge required, economies of scale, cost advantages, and technology among other barriers (Barney 2001). You read "Information Strategy and Strategic Management" in category "Essay examples" Upstream information from the customers to the firm, inherent in their bargaining power, is also an essential consideration as customers have the ability to put the firm under pressure, affecting their sensitivity to price changes and overall allegiance. Factors that could influence this bargaining power include the number of customers, their buying volumes, and differentiation in the market, price elasticity, incentives, the brand identity and switching costs to alternatives that could influence shift to substitutes. Downstream information also has an impact in the development of useful strategy. This is the bargaining power of suppliers which is the power that suppliers of raw materials, components, labour and services/expertise to the firm can field over the firm. With this power, suppliers can refuse to work with the firm or offer their services, or can charge exorbitantly for their unique resources. Factors that can influence this bargaining power include the number of suppliers and their size, the ability to substitute and costs of switching, and the unique service or product provided (Barney 2001). How consensus management can help provide directed and focused organizational information Consensus management consists of the agreement between various players in the market place to align their business services, share tasks, as well as pool resources in a market for mutual benefit and for effective and efficient attainment of results (Mintzberg 1995). Taking an example of the Lloyd’s of London which operates primarily in the specialist insurance market, providing insurance to their clients, there has to be consensus between the various parties in its market. These parties include clients seeking the insurance services; brokers representing the clients in seeking insurance, using their specialist knowledge to arrange insurance with underwriters at the best quality, value and price; underwriters working for syndicates with their responsibility entailing the use of their specialist knowledge to assess and accept or decline risks on behalf of the syndicate; members who provide capital required to cover the risks; and the corporation (the administrative body of the Lloyd’s market) which is the structure that oversees these processes, providing the infrastructure for the underwriters and brokers to do business. Such undertakings requiring the involvement of several players for the success of a business venture requires all the parties involved to mutually understand the terms of their agreement or reference, and providing their unique specialized input focused and directed to the overall objective of the business venture. Therefore, consensus management in such an endeavour is essential. Difference between strategic, tactical and operational organization information in Argos Strategic information includes all applications which are critical to achieving future business strategy. It consists of highly aggregated information with overall business scope and impact affecting the entire organization. It is mainly an exploration of known data from current trading and market activities in developing the organization’s plan or blue-print for the future. Strategic information is subject to market variations and political constraints and is liable to change at any moment (Collins 2008). With regard to Argos, its strategic information includes its awareness of the needs of people in its market for the comfort and convenience of home selection via the catalogue. This it endeavours to combine with the closeness of high street stores and the creation of stronger presence with the opening up of additional stores to reach a greater percentage of the population in its market, its customers, with its long run target to have 600 stores (Argos case study 2004). Tactical information includes all information used to implement the plan. It consists of comprehensive information regarding overall implementation including progress, and market penetration. This information needs be precise enough to allow the tweaking and amendment of the strategy as well as to control operational decisions (Collins 2008). In the case of Argos, tactical information includes the profound impact of new technologies on the company’s functions as a retailer including the collection of feedback through various communication channels, as well as, its use of technology to integrate its functions using ICT to monitor stock levels, to recognize market trends early and to avoid stock out situations, and to communicate with its customers and suppliers (Argos case study 2004). Operational information includes application upon which the organization currently depends on for its success. It consists of highly detailed performance information used to monitor the day to day impact of the strategy and tends to be restricted to departments in its requirement and use relevant to a particular area of influence (Collins 1998). Operational information in the case of Argos includes the strategies for the enlargement of its business through innovative use of evolving technologies in information, its multi-channel approach that offers greater presence to the company and a wider reach to customers unlike stores approach reliant on customers that walk in, and the outsourcing of its supply chain management in its â€Å"Nominated carrier scheme† and its warehousing in its â€Å"Advanced inventory planning scheme†, solutions that enable the company to efficiently manage flow of merchandising from its extensive base of 750 suppliers to its distribution centres throughout the UK (Argos case study 2004). Block 3 Importance of strategic alignment on Argos Strategic alignment is the matching up of two or more organizational strategies so as to ensure that the overall objectives of the organization are met. Entities with unique and varied specialty, for example, deliver information one to the other that is necessary in facilitating the realization of the overall organizational objective (Barney 2001). This alignment is useful as it enhances effectiveness and efficiency overall and in the case of Argos, an example of this strategic alignment is the multi-channel approach with the combined use of physical store presence and online presence both offering the capability to browse, reserve, order and make purchases, enhancing the company’s overall presence (Argos case study 2004). Another example of strategic alignment is the adoption of various solutions (including the delegation of responsibilities to service providers) so as to manage complex functions essential for its success including management of its supply chain and warehousing in its â€Å"Nominated carrier scheme† and â€Å"Advanced Inventory planning scheme† solutions delegated to UPS and Retek respectively, and its teaming up with Vodafone Live enabling customers to check stock availability and reserve goods, and to view the catalogue on their mobile phones, all linked to a home or store delivery options (Argos case study 2004). These are organizations that are themselves specialized in these particular fields. This alignment enables greater effectiveness and efficiency for Argos as it enables it to enhance its operations focusing on the key areas with these complex functions left to able providers. Strategic alignment improves the market penetration potential of Argos This strategic alignment improves market penetration of Argos as its multi-channel approach and especially its online presence enables it reach customers who might have hitherto not visited the physical stores. Another example of strategic alignment at Argos is its teaming up with Vodafone enabling customers to view catalogue and stock and to reserve goods enables its reach to the wider Vodafone’s customer base hence enhancing its market penetration more than it would have if it had focused only on its stores (Argos case study 2004). Lack of strategic alignment might impede market penetration by Argos A lack of strategic alignment might impede market penetration by Argos as it will result in uncoordinated approaches that will challenge overall efficiency and therefore success of its objectives. For a retailer such as Argos whose business involves the purchase and resale of a variety of products, differentiation and value addition involves the enhancement of efficiency in its system as its only source of advantage. Without strategic alignment and enhanced focus on overall strategy, this will not obtain limiting the company’s market penetration. Examples of core and distinctive competence in Argos Core competence is the specific skill sets or techniques that are critical to the business and which deliver value to the customer. It includes areas of expertise distinctive to the company and critical for its long term growth (Prahalad 1990). It includes areas central to a company’s business where most value is added and in the case of Argos (Argos case study 2004), they are; Its reliable and efficient delivery infrastructure covering product picking, distribution and customer satisfaction handling. Its design and delivery of a simplified online customer interface that makes shopping efficient for its customers through its various channels. Its design and implementation of an efficient supply system with supply chain management, warehousing solutions and home delivery systems that are effectively linked. Distinctive competence comprises traits unique to an organization enabling the creation of a unique value superior to those of competing organizations forming the basis for its competitive advantage (Collins 1998). In Argos’ case (Argos case study 2004), these comprise elements in its business approach that enhance efficiency in service delivery and the attainment of its overall objective such as; Its innovative use of technology to enhance its retail trade and efficiency with its use of a multi-channel approach. Its strategic integration of elements in its business model which are complementary such as warehousing, supply chain management and use of technology into its powerful business solution and to enhance its efficiency. Its use of enhanced efficiency in its business processes and good relations with its suppliers to drive down costs to the customer. Main problems relating to competitive advantage as may be apparent in the retail trade Competitive advantage for a retailer like Argos tends to be from its differentiated service and efficiency, with its major advantage coming through external elements such as innovative employment of technology and price. Its product mix cannot form a basis for its competitive advantage as retail trade entails the purchase and resale of various products which are similar to competitor products. Such a competitive advantage is not sustainable in the long term as the market evolves and competition intensifies and therefore there is always a need to tweak the company’s competencies to enhance value to the customer and ward off potential switch. The price war in a market as the retailer seeks to differentiate from its competition comes at a cost to overall profitability and therefore needs to be well designed and implemented for it to have meaningful benefit to the overall objective of the company. Block 4 Is knowledge the ultimate competitive advantage? Competitive advantage is a condition which enables a company to operate more efficiently or at a higher quality than its competition resulting in benefits accruing to the company (Prahalad 1990). Knowledge is indeed the ultimate competitive advantage as it comprises a sustainable competitive advantage, a capability which is not easily duplicated or surpassed by competitors. Taking an example from the Lloyd’s of London, its underwriters are famous for recognizing new insurance opportunities and requirements, and for meeting them using their specialty knowledge and that of their partner brokers. The Lloyd’s market, for example, covers offshore wind farms of the energy industry, an area that the government is planning to expand. Knowledge, as in this case, helps in developing differentiation and value creation through the use of information available to a company and apt analysis to reach better decisions which can then be used with enhanced efficiency or unique approaches to acquire competitive advantage. Analysis and efficiency or unique approaches are subject to the availability and use of information and they can be easily duplicated and surpassed by competitors. Knowledge is therefore the ultimate competitive advantage. The growing importance of contingent work in information industries affects the development of knowledge for competitive advantage The growing importance of contingent work in information industries affects the development of knowledge for competitive advantage as the contractor often seeks to retain as much knowledge gained from their experience to themselves so as to retain the capacity to offer services they are contracted for which would not be if there were people within the company gained such knowledge and capacity. Impact of knowledge transfer on competitive advantage Knowledge transfer has a positive effect on competitive advantage if it is effective and efficient as it enhances overall understanding, consensus, and therefore helps in the realization of the overall objective of the organization. However, a negative effect could result from the unsecured transfer of sensitive information which can be obtained by the competition and used to challenge the organization’s competitive strategy. What is the impact of internal knowledge development? Internal knowledge development consists of four approaches including socialization which entails the sharing of tacit information by individuals and especially learning by doing; externalization in which individuals link the tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge; combination which entails individuals combining different explicit ideas to create knowledge; and internalization in which individuals extract knowledge from newly created organizational tacit and explicit knowledge through learning by doing. Discuss why the disenfranchising of the individual during the change process is a problem for the organization The disenfranchising of an individual in the change process can be disastrous to the organization’s change objective if the individual, victim of the change process is powerful enough to influence the environment, an undesired outcome if the change is not well planned and carefully controlled. This could result from the perspective of employees of organizational change as a negative process over which they have no control. Such individuals would act as deterrents to the realization of the overall organizational objective if this objective requires their input and wholesome involvement with their resultant de-motivation, feeling of being left out, and their participation not being appreciated. This would lead to the lowering of overall efficiency and effectiveness and would therefore be a problem to the organization. Empowering the disenfranchised is therefore an important aspect of well managed change. Suggest ways in which the disenfranchised might be empowered within the change scenario To empower the disenfranchised individual, the organization should seek to keep these individuals in the loop to create an environment in which there is mutual trust and an appreciation of the overall picture and an understanding of the benefit and necessity for change. The main ways through which this can be achieved include giving them an understanding of the necessity for change and what benefits would accrue, creating a guide for the process for clarity and consistency, developing a clear shared vision and communicating it including explaining to the individual its effect on them, empowering the people to act on the vision (to be the change), splitting the process into realizable milestones and benchmarks to ease the overall process. Contrast Kotter’s and Satir’s approaches to change Kotter’s approach, referred to as the organizational approach as it focuses on institutional change, is a structured method through which change can be managed and followed through within an institution. It is a linear approach which comprises eight steps to follow in the management of the process including the initiation of the urgency, the institution of people to guide the process, the development of a shared vision, communication of the vision, the empowerment of the people to act on the vision, the creation of short term wins to enhance motivation, consolidation and building on the gains, and finally the institutionalization of the change, embedding it in the organization’s culture (Mintzberg 1995). This is a clarified linear approach with a destination and discrete steps to follow. Satir’s approach/model, on the other hand, is referred to as the human approach and is composed of a number of stages and with highlights of key events that disturb and move an individual’s experience from a position referred to as a status quo (all the usual activities of a normal day) through the change process to a new level (status quo). These key events include the foreign element and the transforming idea. It comprises a cyclical iteration of steps stimulated by the key events in the change process through a position referred to as chaos, then to integration which with time eventually develops into the new status quo (Mintzberg 1995). These steps however have several iterations depending on the stimuli of the key events and unlike the Kotter’s approach, it perceives change as a continuous process rather than linear events that are followed through. Arguments for the Kotter approach Change is seen as linear and the aim of the change can therefore be reached directly following through the various steps. Its linearity is useful in the analysis of the change process and benchmarking so as to gauge success. It provides an excellent process for the management of the change process with clear and discrete steps useful for successful realization of objectives. Arguments against the Kotter approach This approach takes an abstract approach to the change process, focusing on the process management but failing to identify the actual internal change among the individuals involved that result in the acceptance of the change. Kotter’s approach is criticized for it mainly focuses on the concerns of management rather than those of the organization as a whole. It is criticized for its view that there is the one best way in which change can happen forming the basis for the process. The style or path of change, however, may vary influenced by various factors including receptivity to the change, the change management, performance of the organization, among other factors. Arguments for the Satir approach This approach identifies the actual change process within the individual which can then be extrapolated when considering the involvement of a number of other people. It perceives change as a continuous process rather than a destination which can be reached. It takes cognizance of the fact that the change process no matter the size of organization is still an individualized process and that overall change depends on the acceptance of the change by individuals. Arguments against this approach The Satir approach comprises of several cyclical iterations which are mainly a description of the process which offer no steps towards management of the process. This approach makes benchmarking and measuring of success of the process difficult. Difficult to manage in large scale change processes entailing huge organizations. Preferred approach My preferred approach in the management of a project associated with the change would be the Kotter approach as it has a clarified and well defined process and steps to take unlike the Satir model which has a lot of cyclic iterations depending on results and influence of the key events. The Kotter approach with its linearity offers greater advantage in the management of the change process enabling analysis and recognition of the various steps, and the gauging of success at every stage, as well as, in its simplicity and forthrightness when dealing with change in large organizations comprising several individuals. Block 5 Outsourcing is the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities that are traditionally handled internally. It is a management strategy in which an organization delegates major, non-core functions to specialized service providers (Barney 2001). Advantage The main advantage of outsourcing is the enhancement of focus on core business that it enables in a company through the transfer of costly, non-core activities to service providers (Luftman 2008). This focus enables enhanced performance on core activities as there is less interruption of the main activities from the non-core activities, and also enhanced performance on the non-core activities as they are delegated to specialized providers specially organized for such activities. Disadvantage The main disadvantage of outsourcing is the abdication of control on certain activities and/or sectors of the organization that is necessitated by the delegation of tasks to external service providers (Luftman 2008). This creates a dependence on the external providers which is a potential liability to the company/organization in terms of confidentiality with these delegated functions and tasks often essential to the performance of its core activities. Aspects of information systems advocated for outsourcing Some aspects of an organization’s information system that can be advocated for outsourcing include non-critical/non-core functions that application development and maintenance, network management, customer care and helpdesk services, data centre management, among other important but non-core aspects. Aspects of information systems not advocated for outsourcing Aspects that hold sensitive information for the organization or are critical components for its competitive advantage should have tight internal control and should not be outsourced as these could become possible points of compromise in terms of leaked information or opening up the system to a variety of threats. Such aspects include; Databases containing a variety of sensitive information including customer information and sensitive data, Discuss the effectiveness in combating threats to an information system of the following control mechanisms Redundancy entails the use of more than one path to reach the destination in information transmission through the network. This is effective in combating threats of compromise in the transmission of information by providing resiliency. Anti-virus software programs form an effective method of preventing attacks on the system by viruses and other suspicious programs that could threaten the composition of the system. Passwords form an effective barrier at points of access preventing unauthorized entry to sensitive system areas and controlling and managing the use of resources. Encryption provides secrecy which is effective in deterring unauthorized use of information. Firewalls filter out dangerous transmissions blocking out unwanted and suspicious activities and thereby effectively helps in maintaining the system’s integrity. Block 6 The limits of computing The extent to which human and computer attribute overlap and differ exist as the designers of computers have made immense effort at creating a machine that mirrors brain function, or even surpasses it. However, wide differences still exist, especially with the acknowledgement that scientists have not been able to fully map the brain, its functions, capacity and potential. This unmapped potential therefore gives humans a higher capacity than machines in tasks including the capability enabling abstract thinking, a capability that challenges the computer (Chan 1992). Abstract thinking refers to the derivation of higher concepts in thought from the classification and usage of literal or concrete concepts or methods connecting any relations among various fields, a high level thought process in which the consideration of a concept is broad, general and non-specific. Human intelligence and expertise depends significantly on unconscious instincts which can hardly be measured or captured rather than conscious manipulation of symbols, with mental states such as beliefs and desires being relations between individuals and their mental representations. The variation results from a human’s emotional intelligence combined with the logic and scholastic intelligence which the computer, a machine, can hardly be thought to possess in the near future (Hawkins 2005). Computers are successful in information processing as they are designed to perform iterations with a lot of effort focused on reliability. It is quite efficient in conducting processes that feature repetitive activity better than humans who have inefficiencies in this particular aspect. The challenge still remains the convergence of consciousness and computation and therefore the computer is challenged with regard to abstract thinking though it can mimic several aspects of thought and decision making (Davis 2000). References Barney, B., and A., Arikan, 2001. â€Å"The resource-based view: Origins and implications.† In M. A. Hitt, R. F. Freeman J. S. Harrison (Eds.), Handbook of strategic management (pp. 124-188). Oxford: Blackwell. Chan, Y., and S., Huff, 1992. â€Å"Strategy: An Information Systems Research Perspective.† In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems (1:4), pp. 191-204. Collis, D., and C., Montgomery, 1998. Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business Review, 76(3):71–83 Davis, G., 2000. â€Å"Information Systems Conceptual Foundations: Looking Backward and Forward.† In: Baskerville, R., J. Stage, and J., DeGross (eds.), Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology, pp. 61-82. Boston: Springer. Hawkins, et al., 2005. On Intelligence, New York, NY: Owl Books Mintzberg, H., B., Quinn, and S., Ghoshal, 1995. The Strategy Process. London: Prentice Hall. Luftman, J., and R., Kempaiah, 2008. â€Å"Key Issues for IT Executives 2007.† In: MIS Quarterly Executive (7:2), pp. 99-112. Pine, J., and J., Gilmore, 1999. The Experience Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Prahalad, C., and G., Hamel, 1990. The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79–91. How to cite Information Strategy and Strategic Management, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Case Study of Malaysia Airlines Berhad †Free Sample Solution

Question: Discuss about theCase study of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. Answer: Introduction: 7,000 officials have to be curtailed, or they have to quit their jobs during the schedule set up by Malaysian Airlines (MAS). The MAS has been declared as economically ruined and for this particular reason MAS is bound to cut off 40% of its worker from their jobs. No other ways were left to MAS except doing this. The workers who were left joined a new association manned as MAS Berhad. It was a first time in 1994 when the company tried to retain their position, and till now from that year the company has been trying to hold their association in a very safe place. But this is the strongest extensive reconstructing experiment which MAS has ever attempted. As a result of this incident the working people who are no more a part of MAS has been spending their lives as fruitless and can not sleep gently anymore. But nothing has been left to MAS except excluding the officials. The MAS discharge implement was happened according to Collective Agreement (CA) between the administration and the united power by presenting the people in the course of a policy which was named as Employee Consultative Panel (ECP). MASs combination is organized by the eight groups, and its leader is Malaysian Airline System Employees Union Peninsular Malaysia (MASEU). The further groups are Malaysia Airlines Pilots Association (MAPA) Malaysian Airline System Managerial Staff Association (MASMA) Malaysia Airline System Executive Staff Association (MESA) Sabah Executive Staff Association of Malaysian Airline System (SEAMAS) Sarawak Executive Staff Committee (SESC) Airlines Workers Union Sarawak (AWUS) Air Transport Workers Union Sabah (ATWUS) The duration reimbursement is completed based on Collective Agreement that primarily accepted between Khazanah, MAS executive and the groups which were also a part of the assembly. The enclose measured as one of the finest offers which were reasonable and acceptable to all rank of unemployed workers devoid of any unfairness as given away as following- MAS Reduction Tender One Month Salary for Every Completed Years of Service (up to 10 years) Two Months Salary for Every Completed Years of Service (those above ten years) Single parents, married couples teams, and those who are disabled will get an extra 30% All ruined depart till end August 2015 will be paid for Medical Benefit will be provided until they get another job or up to one year Lump sum payment by end of August For the members who are deeply engaged into MAS Bhd. A Sign on Bonus A retention payment for those still in employment after 18 months Figure 1 MAS Reduction Tender If you are a worker then will you gain profit by the plan? According to the workers, the proposal allows incredibly striking dismiss the proposal as has been mentioned in Figure 1. It is obvious that the workers have not the right to chose much more, so they are bound to accept the offerings to decline. The administrative authority has determined to make the workers bound to quit their jobs from the organization (Wan Ab Rahaman Yaacob, 2014). The fact whether the workers are getting profitable or ruined all around by the new proposal of the company completely depends on the union of the workers. But the aged workers who have gained much experience in the company after working for a long time consider the companys proposal much more attractive (Soucie, n.d.). As it has been enlisted in the termination offer, those people who are working more than ten years in the organization will be enabled for the extra salary of two months in the each finished annum. An experienced worker, who is of the age of 60, will be given 10,000 as their complete wages after completing 25 years in the organization and as well as will get 50,000 as his whole completion package (Tiwari Kainth, 2014). The quantity of capital may be helpful for that member of staff to begin a micro dealing or to spend in reciprocal finances or divides which will provide you a little major sum of comeback apart from their money in Employee Provident Fund (EPF). Also, they are not the real victim of the suspend session. However, the picture may be dissimilar for youthful managerial or legman with working near about six years being a lay-off. The result will be different when we are going to contrast them with the experienced one. A youthful working guy will get 4,000 as his/her wage per month, and his/ her extinction package will be 18,000 after working 6 years in the company, the sum seems quite very low, but the interesting fact is, that particular worker may get an appointment to work in any other airline organization because of his/ her gaining experience. So the managing system of the organization has chosen to provide an extra 30% for preferred recruits with individual wants such as solo blood relation, married couple economized and to the workers who are disabled. In the end, we may know whether a worker feels profitable by the company's provided economic offer when we can get the knowledge of the worker's financial condition, his/ her termination wage, their livelihood and also how old they are. Instead of the financial support, the MAS pension offer also allows other good-looking profit for the workers. The prominent advantage is that unmitigated health checks up help to retired workers up to two years from their date of retirements. The utmost phase will be two years and people fruitfully can be tied up with other organizations within the two years phase is not permitted for the assistance). The Corporate Development Centre is being organized by KhazanahNasional Bhd. To sustain and establish instruction lessons for 7000 lay-offs are working people; the organization will afford guidance classes for developing their technique, and also to create vacancies for those who want to join the company according to merit basis. The CDC also has tied up with significant management organizations together with the Credit Counseling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) and My Angkasa Amanah Bhd, to give recommendation and conference on economic development, credit administration and funds to the lay-off workers. This may guarantee the acknowledged cash will be applied and spend sensibly before the staffs discover a fitting occupation (Tiwari Kainth, 2014). Do you agree on the change when a company's administration becomes changed or has been taken over? Reason of Reconstruction: The MAS authority never asks the workers whether they are getting affected by the vast change in the administrative system in the company or not. The company never respects their decision and for this reason, the workers are not able to express their views. But instead of doing this, the organization should ask the good or bad effect to the workers. Dont you feel it is obvious to take care of the working people in the company? The cause behind the takeover is the economic and the gained respect in the business world. Even after the back to back failures of MH370 and MH17, Malaysia Airlines was previously in its great position, despite preceding reformation strategies and a huge sum in monetary supports from the administration. The company has been getting affected in its business from 2008 and the sum of the whole failures till 2013 is $ 1.5 billion. The authority appointed Christoph Mueller, it is up to date CEO, from Irish shipper Aer Lingus. Mueller boosted the company by using his excellent skilled at Aer Lingus and give a tough contest to its opponents (Azimah Sumardi Othman, 2011). This is what the MAS were exactly asking for a long time to be recovered from its terrible phase. Effect to the Company: The reorganization was inevitable, since that was the heart and soul for MAS, for the workers to be sustained, the economic condition of the organization. Two-thirds of the 22,000 MAS employees would be appointed again by Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB). The dismiss compulsory as the airlines required minor team as an element of the fresh body, which aims at local air travel. The resolution of modification in administration brings profit in the business as helps to support obtainable possessions inside the association ("Can Malaysia Airlines survive?", 2015). The transformation only desires to be prepared to present scheme and information managing tactics. It is not necessary, or a have to bring a change in all recently accessible property. It assists to incorporate Malaysia Airlines presented assets into its prospect dream in order to the nearly all of what it have or havent. The Malaysia Airlines will be healthily equipped to bring into line its present funds with the original gear and policy being useful with a successful revolutionize running diagram (Elder, 2015). The alteration in administration facilitates to include expenses linked with the adjustment. It also permits the association to decrease the cost of the evolution though improved executive on the company' economic funds(Hankins, 2016). Insufficiency and expensive schemes that never equal to the imperative purpose can be dropping with the accurate citizens who get concerned. On the other side, Malaysia Airlines should wait for some rank of struggles to any modifications; it does not matter how little or how much advantage it may undertake (Fern Setapa, 2015). The main technique to manage this difficulties is whole, truthful, and appropriate statement with your labor, apparent contact of the worth of the amendment, and endurance with your group as they are facing an unavoidable modification segment. Maintainable Commitment Unions Employees who want settlement Other Staffs Workers who like modifications Extremely Busy 18% 38% 59% Uncorroborated 17% 21% 17% Disconnected 18% 17% 11% Severed 48% 23% 13% Effect to the Workers: Apart from that, from the perception of staff, the penalty can be deemed to have equally constructive and unconstructive collisions. With no hesitation, we can say that it would not at all be a thing that the workers wish for when there is an alteration in the organization, mainly for those 7,000 staffs that were concluded ("Can Malaysia Airlines survive?", 2015). Many corporations glance at payments and profit as the former places to slash finance when seeming to create modifications that entail price-saving. When this occurs, it is foreseeable that some workers in Malaysia Airlines would lose their allegiance, go away from the company to look for service in another place, despite the proposal. The recruits that stay put, whether they continue their work willingly or for the reason that they could not get a job in a different place, are habitually indignant. Enthusiasm reduces, intriguing post-recital alongside with it. People lose their business devotion and might even turn out to be irritated enough to harm the company (Elder, 2015) decisively. Additionally, distinctive alteration in administration will effect in economic pressure on the staff. It pessimistically brunt a section of the workers income cuts, failure of profit, reduction in job arrangement, employment loss or transfer to a different town, state or countryside. Every part of these can be severe changes to recruits, mainly those who are sustaining their families (Benetti Dalmaso, 2014). The finest technique to control these changes while maintaining the confidence up of the enduring or impervious staff is through speaking with all of the human resources each step of the mode and taking care of the influenced employees with equality and empathy (Bachmann, 2016). If you are the industrialized relation manager, how do you can progress and synchronize the circumstances? If we talk about Yoder 1970, we can see that industrialized relationships are the progression of organization commerce with individual or more parties with a vision to consult and then run communally negotiating a contract or labor agreement. As a business executive, the optional mode to progress and synchronize the circumstances is: Based on the condition, there are somewhat figures of staff union occupied in protecting the legal right of 7,000 MAS employees being terminated problem. On the other hand, a few of the union had different outlooks about the issue (Iakoba, 2016). For instance, NUFAM is uttering that MAS did not take care of the situation moderately whereas MASEU is telling us the conflicting things and the workers were pleased with the recompense. Thus, the suggested answers for divergence decision as a business supervisor is by pacification and via negotiation technique. Reconciliation Procedure: Reconciliation is an active process of disagreement declaration in which constructive interaction is erected. Pretorius (1993) recommends that pacification is a prepared arbitration procedure (Hankins, 2016). As the supervisor, I have to perform an effort to ascertain a constructive and settling association among the unions. The purpose is to accurate awareness, diminish uncertainties and develop contact to lead the groups addicted to trouble-free discussions and negotiation. The unions have the chance to decide their own end upshots. I would occupy myself in a dynamic division in trying to resolve the quarrel, frequently by telling choices for elucidations or courses to a result (Tiwari Kainth, 2014). It is recommended that the workforce union ought to set apart their distinctions and resolve the essential requirements of the concerned employees. They might be focussed on what they would like to suggest to MAS by paying attention to the staffs opinion about what they think and what they want from MAS. Then the proposition could be simply conceded to MAS higher board. A benefit of this technique of variance decision is that if it is doing well, it must allow all unions implicated to find out how to deal with their relations (Ong Tan, 2010). This is useful where the reunion is complimentary which devour a lesser amount of time than going away to court. Other than that there is no public disclosure to the individual groups, and it is deliberate. As a result, it may expand and scrutinize alternatives for a pledge for the matters. Appeasement/Meditation Procedure: If the company cant find any answer, then directors have to shift to moderators way. Mediators/moderators are frequently applied when there are more than one unions are occupied in an elevated point argument (Tiwari Kainth, 2014). Moore (2004) assured that groups who cant settle mutually well might fetch a negotiator to make easy the intercession procedure. Negotiation is described as the involvement in a measured conciliation or disagreement of an adequate third union who has restricted or no reliable management authority but who helps the implicated groups in willingly triumph a communally proper conclusion of problems in the difference of opinion. The technical administrator should hire a qualified exterior negotiator. The arbitrator/mediators function is to facilitate the unions to consult an approved way out. The moderator is impartial, formulates no suggestions and gives no guidance (Belzer, Noory, Wayne, 2015). His/her job is to help out the parties caught up in the divergen ce chart their line of attack throughout the crisis and discover a jointly arranged resolution. This could help out to resolve difference amid workers group (NUFAM) and MAS as NUFAM continue declaring that MAS are not performing an excellent work in overseeing the circumstances while MAS settled that they are executing their greatest to supervise the economizing matter according to exact process and regulations (Smith Marks, 2014). All the way through the peacekeepers, together MAS and NUFAM could converse and bargain to an established clarification. Once there is a way out, the position can be guarded. To move towards with resolutions, these are what the groups have to do mutually: Discover general parts of contract, does not matter how little: Have the same opinion about the crisis (Immervoll, Peichl, Tatsiramos, 2011). Be in agreement on the course of action to pursue. Be of the same opinion on most terrible worries. Have the same view on some minute alteration to provide an occurrence of accomplishment (The youth employment crisis, 2012). Come across with answers to persuade desires: Difficulty-resolve via producing numerous substitutes. Settle on which activities would be taken (Jansen Uexkull, 2010). Make certain that implicated unions procure into manners. As a result, right through these progressions, it permits both groups to draw closer with a contract and evade degeneration of the state. The state of affairs will get better and capable to be controlled in a correspond atmosphere (Elder, 2010). Conclusion: Group retrenchments, a topic becoming more and more significant as the financial downturn grows deeper, are administrated by Section 189A of the Labour Relations Act. Companies are sturdily warned to examine the Section 189A formula, and in exacting Section 189A (1),' which is a bit more intricate than its comparatively uncomplicated Section 189 corresponding part. The Industrialized Court in Superior Micro Devices strategy told that, it is an ingrained and conventional exercise of business commandment that in completing reduction of expenditure, an owner of a company must fulfil the manufacturing rule of Last in First out except there are resonance and suitable explanations for leaving (Rosnan Mahmod, 2012). In every investigation of the Industrialized Court cases on the cutback, it will become evident that the accusation would perpetually be that the boss had not pursued the LIFO method in picking workers for reduction of expenditure. The reality is that the LIFO theory might be l eft from presents ascends to criticisms of exploitation of the process by the manager, and their consequent excuse, in several cases, through the business court may perhaps grant growth to inquiries of justice of its honors. During the action, workers were most unpleasantly changed by the cutback problems, whether the member of staff gained from the economizing effect, it is based on the monetary condition of the employee, the cessation parcel he/she got, age issue and standard of living of that individual worker. The distinctive transformation would affect in economic anxiety on the workforce itself. The freeway out for variance decree as a business executive is through pacification and negotiation method. It knows how to increase and study preferences for declaration for the subjects. In the same way, it is essential that employee unions wants to build up a comprehensible point to workers and with the administration. The parties have to participate in a fundamental and helpful part in recovering the eminence of living of the employees. They must show better awareness in such wellbeing agendas for their associates. By corresponding with each one of the workers in each step and caring for the physically challenged employees with equality and kindness. The authorized needs and structure principal must to obtain note and get an official suggestion to make sure that their dangers are reduced. Reference: Azimah Sumardi, W. Othman, R. (2011). Talent management at Telekom Malaysia Berhad. Em Mkts Case Studies, 1(1), 1-6. Can Malaysia Airlines survive?. (2015). Strategic Direction, 31(3), 13-14. Fern, K. Setapa, S. (2015). Expert Rules of Firewall: A Technique to Construct and Modified a Set of Rules. IJIET, 5(12), 951-956. Elder, L. (2015). Malaysian Airlines, Neoliberalism and Business as Usual in Malaysia. Asian Journal Of Social Science, 43(1-2), 23-49. Hankins, C. (2016). 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