Tuesday, October 22, 2019

400m dash

It's the finals for the men's 400m dash. Justin steps up to the starting blocks, and realizes he is not in half the shape as his seven other competitors. Then he hears the official, "Runners to your marks ... get set ... GO!!" Justin surprisingly jumps out to a lead as he rounds the first 100m corner. He is in lane three, and he quickly passes lane's four and five, and now he is gaining on six. He knows his rival competitor is in lane one. But Justin can't see him in the corner of his eye, so he feels that maybe he has fallen back to pace with the pack. Coming down the third 100m's Justin realizes that he is getting tired. This is his place to make his move, but he just doesn't have it. Before he realizes what happened, lane five comes on strong with four just trailing. Justin is passed on the corner. Then coming down the last 100m stretch, he sees his rival in lane one burst out to a three length lead, and it is gaining. Justin crosses the finish line in fifth place. "That can't be the same man I faced at state last year," Justin says. "I mean, he was never that fast...our that big." This was only the first meet of the year. But it was a big one for Justin. He had been claimed as the fastest 400m runner in the state of California. And now he would just have to settle for fifth place. Justin went home and watched the tapes of the meet. He then noticed something even more embarrassing. Not only did he get fifth, but three of the top four runners were from the same team. Justin knew that something had to be up, but he wanted to be involved, instead of just watching them get bigger. He went to the gym where his competitors worked out. He saw his rival on the other side of the room, lifting weights with a good friend of his. His rivals name was Ryan Arnold, a junior from East Middleton High School in Las Angeles California. After Justin saw that they were finished working out. He went over to Bo, his friend, and aske...

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