Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning in Touch Football-Free-Samples for Students-MyAssignment

Question: Give a Fair bit of detail on your Strengths your weaker areas skills, gameplay/tactics, communication, fitness, etc. Answer: Introduction The purpose is recording the learning experience of playing touch football with the whole Physical Education class. This journal would be analyzing Figueroas Levels of Framework for evaluating factors that have shaped individual and group involvement and enjoyment in touch football, and then accordingly develop policy and strategies for the enhancement of the sporting experience. It also includes evaluation of our Year 11 class environment on the basis of positives and issues and concluding with a personal reflection of what I have learnt about my own self. Figueroas Framework In driving the participation and learning of individuals in any kind of sports and physical activity, the two most important factors are access and equity. Equity is related with celebrating and providing value to social and cultural differences of both individuals and society. Equity is all about being treated equally, valuing human beings, contributing, being listened to, providing the opportunity to learn and earn some respect (Dowling, Fitzgerald and Flintoff 2012). Access provides the opportunity to participate, irrespective of age, gender, cultural background, life experiences, and ability and so on. The 5 stages of Figueroas Framework are: Individual, Interpersonal, Institutional, Structural, and Cultural. The focus of this report would be on the Individual level (Individual attitudes, values, experience and beliefs). My Performance and Progress Previous experience in the last school only in a social approach Preparation taken - focus, physical, motivation Skills running, passing, defense, communication Average fitness level Good understanding of the game Need improvement: confidence and self-motivation Weekly progress: Week 2 - skills and camping, Week 5 to 6 drills, game playing My Beliefs and Attitudes Starting the touch football unit Affected by learning motivation levels Week 1-2: self-doubts, self-belief, stereotypes Week 3-5: desire to learn and advanced attitude, resulting in better outcomes Week 6: effect of carnivals on health and energy (Kane 2015) Value, Respect, Equality and Stereotypes Weeks 1-2: In the beginning I was feeling like I did not fit in, which later turned a positive leaf Weeks 3-6: As my skills improved with practice and I gained confidence, I started feeling more accepted, respected, valued and treated like an equal I sensed the major stereotypes existed in the aspects of culture, ability and gender Equality issues were also faced in the same aspects of culture, ability and gender Safety in Class Asking if someone is ready or not so that no mishaps happen Using proper sports equipment for avoiding accidents Proper coordination among team members to make sure everyone is aware of what is happening Recommendations Take whole-of-school method for making sure all players are included and equality is maintained Allowing for physical movement in all school-related strategy decisions Labelling physical education as a central subject to ensure access Observing physical education and openings for physical activity in schools Providing pre-service training and professional improvement for teachers so that equity is maintained Confirming equity in admission to physical activity and physical education Reflection I learnt in this term that attitude is the key to motivation and learning. The amount I put in the task is what I would get out of the lesson. I understood I can learn and improve myself in any sport if I wish and try to. Equality should be given importance, not only winning. Otherwise, someone or the other would feel left out or unimportant. Encouragement must be two-way approach. If I encourage someone, they would someday encourage me back. Application of these learnings in touch football would help me become a team player, all the while making sure I respect others and maintain safety. References Burrows, L., Macdonald, D. and Wright, J. eds., 2013.Critical Inquiry and Problem Solving in Physical Education: Working with Students in Schools. Routledge. Dowling, F., Fitzgerald, H. and Flintoff, A. eds., 2012.Equity and difference in physical education, youth sport and health: A narrative approach. Routledge. Figueroa, R. and An, R., 2017. Motor skill competence and physical activity in preschoolers: a review.Maternal and child health journal,21(1), pp.136-146. Hard, E.S.P., Schools, H.K., Breaks, I.C.P.A. and Game, B.O., 2012. Physical activity.Fitness and health: Internatio. Holt, N.L., Sehn, Z.L., Spence, J.C., Newton, A.S. and Ball, G.D., 2012. Physical education and sport programs at an inner city school: exploring possibilities for positive youth development.Physical Education Sport Pedagogy,17(1), pp.97-113. Horine, L. and Stotlar, D., 2013.Administration of physical education and sport programs. Waveland Press. Kane, J.E. ed., 2015.Psychological aspects of physical education and sport. Routledge. McIntosh, P.C., 2013.Landmarks in the history of physical education(Vol. 22). Routledge. Stolz, S. and Pill, S., 2014. Teaching games and sport for understanding: Exploring and reconsidering its relevance in physical education.European Physical Education Review,20(1), pp.36-71. Winnick, J. and Porretta, D. eds., 2016.Adapted Physical Education and Sport, 6E. Human Kinetics.

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